3 ways to manage multiple myeloma

3 ways to manage multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer that results from the increased growth of white blood cells in the bone marrow. These plasma cells play a crucial role in the body’s production of antibodies. When one develops multiple myeloma, their body is home to clusters of plasma cells that turn cancerous. This is a result of the overproduction of plasma cells. The following are some management options for multiple myeloma:


  • BCMA therapy
    B-cell maturation antigen or BCMA is a recommended treatment option for patients with multiple myeloma. The therapy targets cancerous plasma cells in the body. It works by blocking the BCMA protein.
  • Monoclonal antibodies
    The human body is capable of producing antibodies against disease-causing microorganisms. Monoclonal antibodies are prepared in laboratories and used as a targeted therapy for multiple myeloma and other cancer patients. They are marked to cause minimum harm to healthy cells by targeting specific cells.

Foods to eat and avoid

  • Foods to include
    Choosing the right foods can help manage the symptoms of multiple myeloma. It is advisable to include more green vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants like oranges, apples, and pears. Fiber from these foods helps relieve constipation. Regular inclusion of nuts, whole grains, and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids is recommended.
  • Foods to avoid
    People who have been diagnosed with multiple myeloma and are undergoing treatment may have a weak immune system. This makes it important to eliminate foods that might be making them nauseous. One must exclude foods like raw meat, half-cooked or runny eggs, unpasteurized drinks like milk and freshly squeezed juices, and sushi from their meals.

Lifestyle changes

  • Yoga
    Yoga and meditation are known to be beneficial for one’s overall wellbeing as they help the body eliminate accumulated toxins. These practices are known to be an effective and efficient way of relieving stress. The calming effect they have on the body can help prevent the patient from contracting any other infections or diseases. It is best to learn the activities under the guidance of professionals.
  • Physical activity
    Regular physical activity helps in maintaining bone health and benefitting the patient. Although one might not like the idea of exerting themselves every day, exercising can help improve energy levels. It helps improve the immune system and strengthens the muscles. Exercise is also known to reduce stress and the risk of developing depression.