5 things to avoid doing in hotels

5 things to avoid doing in hotels
One of the joys of traveling is getting comfortable hotel accommodation for your stay. Just as we expect great service from these hotels, they expect the guests to follow certain protocols to make the experience pleasurable. It is important to understand this tacit agreement. On that note, here are some vital tips to remind you of things that you should avoid doing when you are staying in a hotel. Keep the bathroom door shut Taking a hot shower at the end of the day and sliding into the comfy blanket is one of the perks of being in a hotel. However, make sure you keep the bathroom door shut. The steam from the shower can enter the room and trigger the fire alarm. Don’t cover the smoke alarms Almost all hotels always have a smoking room available for their guests, as they understand it is a requirement for some. However, some guests will take a room that comes with a smoke alarm and cover the smoke alarms whenever they wish to indulge in activities that may set off the alarm. Avoid using the throw pillows Some hotels have these delicate items in the room, like throw pillows to add some personality to the room.

6 hotel booking mistakes to avoid for the best deals

6 hotel booking mistakes to avoid for the best deals
Planning your travel itinerary is one of the most critical tasks to pay attention to, especially while reserving bookings online. Holiday deals and bundled packages might be tempting at first glance. But there are certain rookie booking mistakes and not-so-obvious pitfalls to avoid losing money. It doesn’t matter if you are a veteran traveler or a first-timer. Pay attention to these 6 common booking mistakes and get the best deal on the first attempt. Not reading reviews When you have website reviews available for reference, use them before comparing cheap hotels in Orlando or other locations. Filter hotels by best reviews and read a few for the chosen place of stay. Learn about their service and quality of amenities, and see whether it is worth booking in the first place. Not booking a refundable room Travel plans can change, so you need to account for contingencies that affect your booking dates. Always book a refundable room even if your plans change on the spur of the moment. Not using the hotel’s website Booking through third-party websites may fetch you cheap hotels in Orlando. But booking a room through the hotel website that offers the same discount or price match can be more beneficial.

4 tips to manage flea and tick infestations in dogs

4 tips to manage flea and tick infestations in dogs
Flea and ticks are common parasites that carry different types of diseases. These pests thrive in soft and warm environments, and the pet’s fur is a perfect home for them. If left unchecked, they can cause severe complications. But there are simple ways to control and prevent this problem. Here are some effective preventive treatments, plants that repel parasites, changes in daily foods, and DIY remedies to manage the infestation: Effective treatments Simparica TRIO oral chews are suitable for dogs eight weeks and older, weighing at least 2.8 lbs. The tablet should be given once a month.  K9 Advantix II, on the other hand, is another popular monthly flea protection treatment that is effective within the first 12 hours of consumption. K9 Advantix is suitable for dogs seven weeks or older, weighing at least 4.4 lbs.  Bravetco® is a more long-lasting alternative as one tablet can prevent flea and tick infestations for 12 weeks. Bravetco® is available in five dosing options, depending on the size and weight of the dog. Some heartworm prescriptions like Advantage Multi® topical solution and Trifexis® oral chews also help counter flea and tick infections. Immunity boosting meals and foods Consult with a vet to better understand what dogs should eat daily to develop more resilience and fight flea and tick infestations.

3 tips that may help prevent and manage prostate cancer

3 tips that may help prevent and manage prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed forms of cancer. It is estimated that one in eight men is at risk, and the number gets higher in those above the age of 65. Thankfully, modern treatments and prescriptions have made it easier. Also, certain lifestyle changes, healthy eating habits, and effective measures for prevention lower the risk. Here is how early diagnosis, treatments, and simple suggestions can improve the quality of life. Prescription treatments Xofigo contains a radioactive element called radium RA 223 dichloride. The injection works well in a short-range radius to counter the spread of prostate cancer in the bone. Enzalutamide, marketed under the brand name XTANDI, is an alternative treatment option. Those who don’t respond well to hormonal or surgical treatments can consider these injections to lower and manage testosterone levels. XTANDI works by actively inhibiting androgen receptors to prevent or reduce cancer cell growth. Prescriptions aside, doctors suggest cryotherapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy for those who respond to regular treatments. However, the treatments vary depending on the spread of cancer and the severity of the symptoms. Best foods for prevention Tomatoes and watermelon are rich in lycopene and beneficial for prostate cancer prevention.

4 ways to overcome an overactive bladder

4 ways to overcome an overactive bladder
Overactive bladder or OAB is a health condition that causes frequent and sudden urge to urinate. Statistics suggest that close to 35 million people in the country suffer from overactive bladder. Some people also experience urinary incontinence or unintentional loss of urine. It can be embarrassing to deal with the condition, as it can limit one’s social and professional life. The following tips can be used to effectively manage an overactive bladder: Typical treatment options Before we discuss tips for managing an overactive bladder, it is important to be aware of some treatment options. GEMTESA (vibegron) is one such treatment option. It activates beta-3 receptors, thereby allowing the bladder to relax and provide relief from being overactive. Apart from this, Myrbetriq can also be used for treating an overactive bladder, as it smoothens the muscles around the urinary bladder, increasing its storage capacity. Other options include TOVIAZ and INVOKANA®. Add cranberries to your food regimen  Cranberries are widely used to treat problems associated with bladder control. Similarly, other berries like strawberries and blueberries are also abundant in vitamin C, which can neutralize bad bacteria and prevent urinary tract infections. Berries also have high water content, which maintains hydration levels and helps manage bladder control.

5 tips to manage migraine attacks

5 tips to manage migraine attacks
Migraine is characterized by throbbing, lingering pain on either side of the head. It is common among those between 30 and 40 and more prevalent among women than men. According to research, at least 39 million people in the country live with migraine. Many people with this condition are sensitive to light and sound. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can reduce the frequency of migraines. Here are some effective ways that can help cope with migraines: Treatments People with migraines need to keep medications handy. Some of the common medicines used by adults for migraine attacks are UBRELVY™, Excedrin, Nurtec® ODT, and QULIPTA™. They block pathways in the brain that are responsible for migraine attacks. A doctor might also recommend preventive medicines if one experiences frequent and severe headaches that don’t respond well to treatment. These medications might reduce how often one gets an attack and reduce its severity. Foods to eat Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are high in antioxidants and fat and are great for keeping overall health in check. Magnesium-rich foods like avocados, apricots, almonds, cashews, and brown rice help the blood vessels relax and prevent headaches. Other items that help prevent headaches include leafy greens, dairy, and calcium-rich foods. Those who experience frequent migraine attacks are also often recommended to reduce the intake of high-sodium foods.


4 tips to manage asthma symptoms

4 tips to manage asthma symptoms

Asthma is an inflammatory disease caused by inflammation in the lungs’ airways. If statistics are to be believed, there are almost 25 million people in the country with asthma. Asthma patients are likely to be triggered by certain foods and environmental factors. However, this varies from patient to patient and depends on the severity of the condition. This article sheds light on some effective tips to help asthma patients keep their symptoms at bay. Keep these treatment options handy The best way to manage asthma is to seek medical intervention. Fasenra® and Nucula are two excellent medications. Fasenra® is used as one of the most effective asthma treatment options. It can be self-injected using an injection pen. Fasenra® is used to improve breathing in asthma patients and lower their use of oral steroids use. It is to be taken once every eight weeks. Mepolizumab or Nucala works by reducing the number of eosinophils in the blood, thereby reducing airway inflammation. Oher clinical treatment options include Tezepelumab, Xolair, and Zyrtec. Eat and avoid these foods Lifestyle changes like adding foods to one meal regimen and avoiding certain foods can also effectively manage asthma. Ginger should be added to daily meals because they are anti-inflammatory and can reduce asthma symptoms. Apart from this, including foods like salmon and walnuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, can also help strengthen the lungs, thereby keeping asthma flareups at bay. At the same time, it is necessary to be aware of foods that aggravate or worsen asthma. Some of these foods include aerated drinks, shellfish, and milk, as these can increase mucus and inflammation in the lungs, making it difficult to manage asthma. Steam inhalation or bath A steam inhalation or bath is one of the effective tips for managing asthma naturally. The steam helps open up airways, providing relief from symptoms like wheezing and difficulty breathing.
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3 ways to manage high cholesterol

3 ways to manage high cholesterol

Cholesterol is an essential element produced naturally in the body. It is a type of fat found in the blood that helps the system function smoothly. However, excess cholesterol is harmful as it can narrow or clog the arteries and increase the risk of heart conditions. According to the CDC, about 94 million adults in the country have high cholesterol levels. Let’s take a look at cholesterol treatment, food plans, and tips to manage it: Treatment Livalo® is popularly prescribed by doctors to manage high cholesterol levels. It is classed under stanins or HMG CoA reductase inhibitors. It helps in reducing triglycerides and bad cholesterol while increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. Livalo® may lower the risk of developing heart conditions and hardened arteries, helping prevent a stroke and vascular diseases. It is also used to treat inherited high cholesterol in children of at least eight years of age. Some doctors may have to give Repatha® to manage high cholesterol. It is taken alone or with other options to effectively reduce the risk of heart diseases. Repatha® is categorized as a PCSK9 inhibitor. It is administered to aid people with homozygous or heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (inherited types of high cholesterol). 4 foods to eat • Grains like oats and barley contain a type of fiber called beta glucan, which combines with cholesterol-rich bile acids and reduces blood cholesterol. • Fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries can be quite beneficial. • Eat leafy veggies like kale and spinach. • Consume legumes, nuts, soy, and food rich in 4 foods to eat • Grains like oats and barley contain a type of fiber called beta glucan, which combines with cholesterol-rich bile acids and reduces blood cholesterol. • Fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, and strawberries can be quite beneficial. • Eat leafy veggies like kale and spinach.
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