6 signs of a troubled marriage

6 signs of a troubled marriage

No relationship can be perfect. Further, long-term relationships like marriages go through rocky phases, during which couples must try to communicate and resolve issues. However, if issues in the marriage begin taking a massive toll on the quality of life and physical and mental health of couples, then it might be a sign that the relationship needs help or is nearing its end. Here are some signs of a troubled marriage:

1. Feelings of contempt
Annoyances and disagreements are a part of every relationship, but if partners start resenting or detesting each other to an unhealthy degree, it could be a sign that the marriage needs help. For instance, many couples believe that, at its worst, a relationship feels like one or both partners are finding it difficult to be around each other all the time.

2.  Excessive criticism
Many prefer their partners to be honest with them instead of constantly showering them with compliments. However, excessive criticism can be a sign of a troubled marriage. Going overboard with negative comments can create distance and resentment in a relationship.

3. Feeling controlled
Marriages can turn sour when one or both partners feel that their identity or contribution to a given union is being diluted by the other person in the relationship. Certain people are inherently dominant in nature. If they exercise too much control over their partners, then the latter may begin to feel restrained and unable to be themselves.

4. Lack of healthy arguments
Marriages and romantic unions are built on healthy arguments, in which couples gradually find common ground over time. When such arguments become cumbersome to the point that neither husband nor wife wishes to indulge in them anymore, then a marriage may need some help.

5. Unwillingness to let go of past issues
Living in the past can burden a relationship. Those who constantly regret their past decisions may be unable to focus on their current partners and give them enough love and affection.

6. Extreme secrecy
Married people tend to be transparent with their partner. So, if a spouse begins to hide significant details of their life, even money matters, it may be a sign of declining trust in the partner.

While the abovementioned signs could indicate issues in a relationship, undergoing couple counseling and communicating with each other about these issues might help one understand the status of the marriage better.