8 alarming signs that indicate a heart attack

8 alarming signs that indicate a heart attack

A heart attack, also known as myocardial infarction, occurs when the blood flow to the heart is drastically restricted. The condition affects more than 800,000 people in the country each year. Heart attacks can lead to severe health complications that can be life-threatening. It’s why one should identify the condition early and seek appropriate treatments. Therefore, the below eight warning signs may indicate the onset of a heart attack.

Heart palpitations
Disrupting healthy blood flow to the heart can lead to several health complications. One of the early signs of low blood supply includes heart palpitations. And this can result in a heart attack if the symptom is undiagnosed and untreated. So if you feel like you’re experiencing a heart palpitation, reach out to your doctor immediately.

Chest pain
An individual at risk of a heart attack may experience discomfort in the center or left side of the chest. This symptom may last for a few minutes or more before it subsides. However, the pain in the chest may recur once again. Someone who experiences the symptom may feel uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, and fullness in the chest.

Shortness of breath
Falling short of breath while exercising, walking up the stairs, or executing strenuous tasks is normal. However, someone who finds it harder to breathe even when they do not indulge in such activities might be at risk of having a heart attack.

People may sweat for several reasons, including if they have just completed a workout or if the weather is hot or humid. Women may also sweat more than usual when they undergo menopause. However, sudden excessive perspiration or breaking out into a cold sweat are indicators of an underlying condition that may result in a heart attack.

Someone may feel dizzy for several reasons, including lack of hydration, poor nutrition, or standing up too fast. However, feeling dizzy while experiencing other symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath may indicate a drop in blood volume or pressure. These conditions increase the risk of a potential heart attack.

Body pain
A blocked artery may trigger the nerves in the organ to indicate something isn’t right with the heart. And the vagus nerve is connected to the heart, brain, neck, abdomen, and chest. So if one is at risk of a heart attack, they may feel pain signals across these body regions.

It’s normal for someone to feel worn out after a strenuous day at work or following a sleepless night. However, individuals, especially women, may experience fatigue even though they have slept well and are not tired. In such situations, these women are at risk of a heart attack.

If the blood supply to the heart and other regions of the body is obstructed, it might lead to gastric symptoms, including vomiting, belching, and a queasy stomach. These are often misidentified as signs of heartburn or acid reflux. So one should always receive a diagnosis from a healthcare expert to assess the risk of a heart attack.