Discover 6 ways to relieve menstrual symptoms

Discover 6 ways to relieve menstrual symptoms

The extent and duration of periods differ from person to person. While periods usually last anywhere between 3 and 7 days, sometimes they may last longer. In either case, menstrual bleeding can bring with it a range of symptoms like painful cramps, discomfort, and uneasiness that make it harder for one to carry out daily activities. So, here are a few ways to alleviate the symptoms associated with menstrual bleeding: 

One of the most common remedies for menstrual pain is getting enough rest. Doing so helps restore the energy lost due to bleeding. It may also help in restoring hormonal balance when dealing with heavy periods or period pain.

Making better food choices
Nutritious foods, such as those rich in manganese, like walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds, may help reduce excessive cramping. Additionally, one can opt for papaya, which is rich in vitamins, and olive oil, which contains vitamin E. The vitamins can help relieve menstrual pain. One could also include foods like brown rice, chicken, fish, and leafy green vegetables in their meal regime, which may help ease menstrual inflammation.

Staying hydrated
Drinking enough water throughout the day is a simple yet effective way to tackle menstrual cramps. Hydration can help the body retain water and prevent painful bloating. One should drink warm or hot water as it can increase blood flow to the skin and relax cramped muscles when dealing with heavy menstrual bleeding. Choosing water-based foods like lettuce, celery, and watermelon may also help one stay hydrated.

Trying heat therapy
Placing a heating pad on the abdomen and lower back may help relieve menstrual pain. One could use a hot water bottle as well. An alternative is taking a warm bath or using a hot towel.

Practicing yoga
Gentle exercises like yoga can help release endorphins that help prevent or reduce menstrual symptoms. A couple of helpful poses to try, with the supervision of an instructor, are the child’s pose, plank pose, cobra pose, and cat-cow pose.

Trying massages
Massage therapy, when carried out with essential oils, may also help one deal with period pain. This involves pressing specific points with the hands gently moving around the abdomen, back, and side. About 20 minutes of massage should help relieve pain associated with periods. A few notable essential oils include rose, peppermint, fennel, and lavender.