Stroke signs that cannot be ignored

Stroke signs that cannot be ignored

A stroke often occurs when the part of the brain does not get enough blood supply due to a blockage or a blood vessel bursts in the brain. This prevents the brain tissues from getting the needed nutrients and oxygen. A stroke is a health emergency requiring prompt treatment, which can be possible by detecting the symptoms early to reduce the chances of disabilities, brain damage, and even death. According to CDC, around 795,000 have a stroke every year. 

Warning signs of strokes
In most cases, stroke symptoms are the same for both women and men, however, some symptoms may occur more in males.

Drooping of the face
When one doubts a stroke, one should first check for any sign of face drooping. Additionally, the patient can also be asked if a part of their face feels numb. Furthermore, the patient can also be urged to smile to check for unevenness.

Arm weakness
In some cases, patients can also experience weakness or numbness in the arms. This can be thoroughly checked by asking them to raise their arms. If an arm suddenly drifts downward, it’s a sure sign of arm weakness and may require immediate expert attention.

Difficulty in speech
Sometimes, people having a stroke may either notice slurred speech or difficulty in speaking, making their words incomprehensible. So, at times like these, the patient can be asked to repeat their words and any sign of speech abnormality should be reported to a healthcare professional.

Usually, the hallmark signs of a stroke are slurred speech, facial droopiness, and arm weakness. However, atypical symptoms of the condition may also include loss of balance, dizziness, or difficulty walking.

Blurred vision
Blurred vision may occur in one or both eyes, depending on the underlying condition. In case of a stroke, the patient may experience partial or complete vision loss. If the patient notices this particular symptom, they’re advised to seek professional advice at the earliest.

Sudden severe headaches
If a patient experiences the onset of a sudden headache with no known cause, they might have a stroke. In some cases, the headache may be accompanied by other symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

Sudden confusion may arise as a sure warning sign of strokes. For instance, if the patient is having a conversation, they may suddenly experience trouble thinking, speaking, and understanding things.

Shortness of breath
Shortness of breath can be due to various reasons. Its persistence may be due to underlying health conditions like obstructive sleep apnea, swallowing abnormalities, and aspiration, among others. Moreover, increased pressure in the brain (caused by strokes) can also lead to this particular symptom.

Besides these, other warning signs of strokes are loss of sensation in some parts of the body, muscle stiffness, and difficulty swallowing.

Some strokes, known as hemorrhagic strokes, can be fatal due to bleeding in the brain. Hence it’s imperative to know the symptoms and warning signs of strokes and seek timely expert advice at the earliest.