5 best times to drink water

5 best times to drink water
We have all heard how drinking a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water a day is a must. Water is one of the most basic components of the body. It is important for the circulatory, digestive, urinary, and respiratory systems. One should drink sufficient water daily to ensure proper functioning of the body. But is there a right time to drink water? Here are five best times to do so: After waking up Our body gets rest when we sleep. During this time, our body has been fasting and using up the stored energy supplies to keep the systems functioning. Having a glass of water right after you wake up is one of the best times to drink water. It refreshes the body and replenishes its hydration supply. While working out According to several studies, it is crucial to have water before, during, and after working out. It is suggested to drink a few sips of water every 10-15 minutes while working out. This helps in avoiding dehydration and most importantly prevents muscle cramps. Before meals Our body responds to both hunger and thirst signals in the same way. Quite often, when we believe we are hungry, we are actually just poorly hydrated.

5 donation ideas to help cancer patients

5 donation ideas to help cancer patients
Treatment options for cancer can be quite extensive; patients may undergo several rounds of radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. They may also need prescriptions for a better long-term management. There are many nonprofit organizations and charities that organize fundraisers to pay for expensive research and cancer treatment. Moreover, there are a lot of other ways donations can be made to help cancer patients. Here are five ways to help one in need. Donate to different charities Direct donations can help in a significant manner as institutions like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital can utilize the resources to research new methodologies for cancer treatment. Also, donating to ChildFund International’s global community outreach program can further help underprivileged children receive necessary healthcare support and realize their true potential. Moreover, Kars4Kids is a unique nonprofit charity that accepts donations in the form of vehicles, boats, and real estate. These are all well-known resources that can help patients in different ways. Become a donor Many cancer patients require bone marrow donations to replace the faulty genetic material. This can be only possible when alert and caring citizens join bone marrow registries and donate their bone marrow for research and treatment. Once a candidate is eligible for receiving the bone marrow, hospitals will request donors to provide either stem cells or the complete bone marrow.

Drink water at these times for maximum benefits

Drink water at these times for maximum benefits
Water makes up about 50 to 70 percent of our bodies. This is why your body needs water to survive and function properly. Water helps keep your body temperature in check and protects sensitive tissue. It also helps flush out harmful wastes through urination, bowel movements, and perspiration. Drinking water is essential to maintain one’s good health. However, drinking it at appropriate times can maximize its benefits. In the morning The earliest and best time to drink water is when you wake up. That’s because your body does not get sufficient water for about eight hours when you are asleep. Drinking a glass in the morning will help hydrate your body. You can also squeeze a slice of lemon in your glass. This nourishes your body with Vitamin C, potassium, and phytonutrients. Before a meal Drinking a glass of water before meals gives maximum benefits. It can make you feel full and therefore satisfy your appetite. It may also prevent you from eating too much. A glass of water before meals helps improve your gastric health. In the afternoon It is possible that you may feel tired after lunch. You could resort to coffee to boost your energy levels. However, coffee might affect your sleep cycle.

Improve eye health by avoiding these foods

Improve eye health by avoiding these foods
Our eyes are one of the most vital organs in our body. The eye health is dependent on the health of our blood vessels and heart; therefore, it is imperative to take steps to ensure good cardiovascular health. While we may choose healthy foods that provide nutrition and oxygen to the blood vessels, it is equally important to avoid the following foods that may degrade our eye health when consumed in excess. Red meat Pork, beef, lamb, and mutton are sources of red meat. These meats are generally laden with sodium to increase shelf life. But too much of sodium can increase blood pressure and trigger the buildup of fluid below the retina, known as choroidopathy. Margarine We often use margarine as an alternative to butter because of its vegetable oil composition. But the food is abundant in trans fats, which may worsen cholesterol levels and degrade eye health. Fish and shellfish Fish like salmon and mackerel may contain traces of mercury. So if you eat too much fish and shellfish, the harmful properties of the element might cause damage to the eyes. Coffee Despite the energy-boosting effects of caffeine in coffee, too much of coffee may affect your overall health.

4 cleaning mistakes that should be avoided

4 cleaning mistakes that should be avoided
For most of us, a cleaning routine can seem like an easy task. However, we might make some mistakes wherein our homes remain unhygienic. This can lead to the spread of bacteria and dangerous microbes. It is therefore important to avoid certain mistakes while cleaning. Not making these mistakes will ensure your cleaning routine is effective and less tiresome. Listed below are four cleaning mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. Spraying disinfectants directly onto surfaces Spraying disinfectant solution directly onto the furniture surface like countertops and glass surfaces results in solution build-up. Greasy furniture, streaky windows, and foggy furniture are a result of this mistake. It would also mean that the dirt and dust are sticking to the furniture. To avoid having unclean-looking surfaces, avoid spraying any disinfectant solution directly onto furniture. Instead, try spraying a bit of it on your cleaning cloth and then wipe down the surfaces. Clorox® has some of the best disinfectant sprays. Their laundry fabric disinfectants ensure your clothes are free of harmful microbes. Newer products from Clorox® for laundry disinfection and sanitization provide a fresh, odorless load with every regular wash cycle. These products can be harmlessly paired with your detergent for brighter, safer, and fresher results.

5 smartphone habits to stop today

5 smartphone habits to stop today
Smartphones are versatile devices that allow you to communicate with people even if they are across the globe. They can also be used to watch a movie on the go, read an e-book, take high-quality photos and videos, and even play games of your liking. But as important as they are, there are some things you should avoid doing when using a smartphone. Here are five smartphone habits to stop today: Using the phone while walking You may use your phone to perform multiple tasks. However, it is imperative to do so when you are not on the move. Using the device while walking can distract and endanger you or another individual. Relying only on GPS The GPS on a smartphone is exceptional but not always 100% accurate. There are days when your phone may guide you the wrong way or take you to the wrong destination. So sometimes, you should self-navigate by looking at the traffic signs or by seeking directions from a traffic officer. Scrolling through the smartphone before bed Most of us tend to scroll through social media or watch content like movies or a web series before sleeping. However, smartphones emit a blue light that suppresses melatonin, a chemical that regulates sleep.


4 ways to overcome an overactive bladder

4 ways to overcome an overactive bladder

Overactive bladder or OAB is a health condition that causes frequent and sudden urge to urinate. Statistics suggest that close to 35 million people in the country suffer from overactive bladder. Some people also experience urinary incontinence or unintentional loss of urine. It can be embarrassing to deal with the condition, as it can limit one’s social and professional life. The following tips can be used to effectively manage an overactive bladder: Typical treatment options Before we discuss tips for managing an overactive bladder, it is important to be aware of some treatment options. GEMTESA (vibegron) is one such treatment option. It activates beta-3 receptors, thereby allowing the bladder to relax and provide relief from being overactive. Apart from this, Myrbetriq can also be used for treating an overactive bladder, as it smoothens the muscles around the urinary bladder, increasing its storage capacity. Other options include TOVIAZ and INVOKANA®. Add cranberries to your food regimen  Cranberries are widely used to treat problems associated with bladder control. Similarly, other berries like strawberries and blueberries are also abundant in vitamin C, which can neutralize bad bacteria and prevent urinary tract infections. Berries also have high water content, which maintains hydration levels and helps manage bladder control. Cranberries can be eaten alone or can be added to smoothies, salads, and other delicious recipes. Limit washing and wiping Sanitary hygiene is essential. However, it can be counterintuitive going overboard. Women with overactive bladder experiencing menstruation might feel the constant need to clean themselves. However, excessive cleaning with soap can make the area dry and itchy, and it can aggravate symptoms of an overactive bladder. Hence it is recommended to avoid going overboard on washing and wiping or use hydrating cleaning products to retain the moisture. Practice exercises for bladder control Changes in certain habits related to urination can ease the symptoms or help retain bladder strength in the long run.
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5 tips to manage migraine attacks

5 tips to manage migraine attacks

Migraine is characterized by throbbing, lingering pain on either side of the head. It is common among those between 30 and 40 and more prevalent among women than men. According to research, at least 39 million people in the country live with migraine. Many people with this condition are sensitive to light and sound. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can reduce the frequency of migraines. Here are some effective ways that can help cope with migraines: Treatments People with migraines need to keep medications handy. Some of the common medicines used by adults for migraine attacks are UBRELVY™, Excedrin, Nurtec® ODT, and QULIPTA™. They block pathways in the brain that are responsible for migraine attacks. A doctor might also recommend preventive medicines if one experiences frequent and severe headaches that don’t respond well to treatment. These medications might reduce how often one gets an attack and reduce its severity. Foods to eat Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are high in antioxidants and fat and are great for keeping overall health in check. Magnesium-rich foods like avocados, apricots, almonds, cashews, and brown rice help the blood vessels relax and prevent headaches. Other items that help prevent headaches include leafy greens, dairy, and calcium-rich foods. Those who experience frequent migraine attacks are also often recommended to reduce the intake of high-sodium foods. Lifestyle choices Having a healthy sleep cycle is very rewarding. It’s good for one’s physical and mental health. Getting quality sleep every night can significantly reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Migraines usually occur when the body doesn’t get enough rest and is stressed. Hydration and cold compress It’s essential to be hydrated at all times to help reduce the frequency of migraines. The body requires a certain amount of electrolytes and fluids to work its best. When one doesn’t replace these fluids and electrolytes, it causes dehydration, triggering migraine.
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