Discover 6 ways to relieve menstrual symptoms

Discover 6 ways to relieve menstrual symptoms
The extent and duration of periods differ from person to person. While periods usually last anywhere between 3 and 7 days, sometimes they may last longer. In either case, menstrual bleeding can bring with it a range of symptoms like painful cramps, discomfort, and uneasiness that make it harder for one to carry out daily activities. So, here are a few ways to alleviate the symptoms associated with menstrual bleeding:  Resting One of the most common remedies for menstrual pain is getting enough rest. Doing so helps restore the energy lost due to bleeding. It may also help in restoring hormonal balance when dealing with heavy periods or period pain. Making better food choices Nutritious foods, such as those rich in manganese, like walnuts, almonds, and pumpkin seeds, may help reduce excessive cramping. Additionally, one can opt for papaya, which is rich in vitamins, and olive oil, which contains vitamin E. The vitamins can help relieve menstrual pain. One could also include foods like brown rice, chicken, fish, and leafy green vegetables in their meal regime, which may help ease menstrual inflammation. Staying hydrated Drinking enough water throughout the day is a simple yet effective way to tackle menstrual cramps.

Recognizing the silent signs of kidney cancer

Recognizing the silent signs of kidney cancer
Kidney cancer occurs when the cells in the organ mutate and spread uncontrollably. While there are different types of kidney cancer, renal cell carcinoma is one of the most common among adults. Our kidneys remove toxins from the blood and flush out excess fluids. Cancer can affect these functions and lead to several other complications. Here are a few silent yet concerning signs of kidney cancer that one must never ignore. Hematuria The kidneys’ primary function is to remove toxins from the blood. However, cancer can damage the organ’s tissue and affect this function. Consequently, the kidneys can release blood that gets mixed with the urine, causing it to turn dark red, pink, or cola-colored. It is one of the first signs of kidney failure caused by progressive cancer. Pain on one side The kidneys are located in the lower back. When the organ is damaged, it may unexpectedly trigger sharp pain in this region. If one does not have injuries or underlying health complications that could cause this pain, they should get checked for kidney cancer. The pain can develop on either side as two kidneys function simultaneously. Swelling A swelling in the ankles and feet is one of the more visible signs of kidney damage.

Innovative therapies to manage eosinophilic esophagitis

Innovative therapies to manage eosinophilic esophagitis
Eosinophilic esophagitis, or (EoE) is a rare, chronic allergic condition affecting the esophagus. In this, several white blood cells, known as eosinophils, are found in the inner lining of the esophagus, where typically there are none. These cells release inflammatory substances, resulting in symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing dry or dense solid foods and loss of appetite. Although EoE is not curable, these innovative eosinophilic esophagitis treatments have been developed to manage the symptoms. Prescriptions This treatment involves the use of prescription-based antibodies, which are administered intravenously. This helps in lowering the inflammation caused by EoE. Furthermore, it improves the ability to swallow foods. This eosinophilic esophagitis treatment is usually used to treat persons above the age of 12 years or older. Dilation As EoE progresses, it causes the esophagus to become narrower. Over time, severe narrowing makes it difficult to swallow liquids as well. This is also referred to as stricture. In such cases, a person with EoE undergoes the process of dilation. In this procedure, a balloon is passed to the esophagus via an endoscopy. It is inflated in the area of the esophagus where the narrowing is severe. The inflation is large enough to stretch the esophagus just a bit without rupturing it.

Muscular dystrophy – Various types and symptoms

Muscular dystrophy – Various types and symptoms
Muscular dystrophy is a group of diseases that lead to muscle mass and progressive muscle and body weakness. The abnormal or mutated genes interfere with producing healthy proteins that make up the muscle. There is no permanent cure for muscular dystrophy, but there are treatment options that help in managing the symptoms and also help in slowing down the spreading of the disease. Here are the types and symptoms to be aware of. Types and symptoms Depending on the type of muscular dystrophy, the symptoms can vary. However, progressive muscle weakness is one of the disease’s most common and most significant indicators. Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy It is the most common type of muscular dystrophy and is usually much more common in boys than girls. Some of the symptoms of this type include: Frequent falls Trouble jumping and running Learning disabilities Waddling gait Difficulty in rising from a sitting or lying position Walking on toes Large calf muscles Muscle pain and stiffness Delayed growth Becker muscular dystrophy Becker muscular dystrophy This form has signs and symptoms similar to Duchenne’s. However, the signs and symptoms are milder, and the disease tends to progress more slowly than in Duchenne. While the symptoms may start in early teens, they are not visible until mid-twenties or even later in some cases.

5 food items that can worsen COPD symptoms

5 food items that can worsen COPD symptoms
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is an inflammatory lung disease involving the obstruction of air passage to the lungs. COPD is an umbrella term that comprises several progressive lung conditions, such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Research data suggests nearly 16 million adults nationwide grapple with COPD. Besides consulting a pulmonologist early, a healthy lifestyle is essential to combat the disease. Here are some foods one should avoid to manage COPD symptoms better. French fries One medium serving of French fries has about 260 mg of sodium, which comes from its high salt content. Salty foods elevate one’s blood pressure, increasing one’s risk of pulmonary hypertension, a common complication associated with COPD. Moreover, since it is deep-fried, it can aggravate stomach inflammation and worsen COPD symptoms. Hence, it is best to avoid French fries and other foods containing high salt levels while healing from COPD. Cured meats Studies indicate that cured meat sources like sausages, hot dogs, and bacon can increase one’s risk of COPD and lung dysfunction. It is possible that the presence of nitrites, i.e., preservatives contained in cured meats, are triggers of COPD. Thus, patients with COPD should replace processed or cured meats with fresh lean meat sources like chicken and turkey breast.

6 common warning signs of vasculitis

6 common warning signs of vasculitis
Blood vessels are channels that transport blood throughout the body. However, these vessels can sometimes get inflamed due to an autoimmune disease called vasculitis, which can disrupt blood flow and damage organ tissue. While most people can manage their symptoms with treatment options, they may often fail to notice the signs of this condition in the first place. So here are some symptoms to help individuals identify the disease and seek treatment early. Common signs of vasculitis Individuals who develop this condition might experience common symptoms that develop slowly over months. These may also surface quickly, within a couple of days. Furthermore, not all people will experience the same symptoms. General signs of vasculitis include loss of appetite, sudden loss of muscle mass, tiredness, fever, and general aches and pain. Since vasculitis may affect particular regions of the body, people may experience signs specific to that area. These are as follows: Skin spots:  An individual suffering from vasculitis may notice spots that may burst, leaving open sores (ulcers). If the disease only affects the skin, its long-term effects are not severe. Therefore, it will subside once the inflammation has settled. Nosebleeds:  Those who develop inflamed blood vessels in the nose may experience nosebleeds.


4 ways to overcome an overactive bladder

4 ways to overcome an overactive bladder

Overactive bladder or OAB is a health condition that causes frequent and sudden urge to urinate. Statistics suggest that close to 35 million people in the country suffer from overactive bladder. Some people also experience urinary incontinence or unintentional loss of urine. It can be embarrassing to deal with the condition, as it can limit one’s social and professional life. The following tips can be used to effectively manage an overactive bladder: Typical treatment options Before we discuss tips for managing an overactive bladder, it is important to be aware of some treatment options. GEMTESA (vibegron) is one such treatment option. It activates beta-3 receptors, thereby allowing the bladder to relax and provide relief from being overactive. Apart from this, Myrbetriq can also be used for treating an overactive bladder, as it smoothens the muscles around the urinary bladder, increasing its storage capacity. Other options include TOVIAZ and INVOKANA®. Add cranberries to your food regimen  Cranberries are widely used to treat problems associated with bladder control. Similarly, other berries like strawberries and blueberries are also abundant in vitamin C, which can neutralize bad bacteria and prevent urinary tract infections. Berries also have high water content, which maintains hydration levels and helps manage bladder control. Cranberries can be eaten alone or can be added to smoothies, salads, and other delicious recipes. Limit washing and wiping Sanitary hygiene is essential. However, it can be counterintuitive going overboard. Women with overactive bladder experiencing menstruation might feel the constant need to clean themselves. However, excessive cleaning with soap can make the area dry and itchy, and it can aggravate symptoms of an overactive bladder. Hence it is recommended to avoid going overboard on washing and wiping or use hydrating cleaning products to retain the moisture. Practice exercises for bladder control Changes in certain habits related to urination can ease the symptoms or help retain bladder strength in the long run.
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5 tips to manage migraine attacks

5 tips to manage migraine attacks

Migraine is characterized by throbbing, lingering pain on either side of the head. It is common among those between 30 and 40 and more prevalent among women than men. According to research, at least 39 million people in the country live with migraine. Many people with this condition are sensitive to light and sound. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can reduce the frequency of migraines. Here are some effective ways that can help cope with migraines: Treatments People with migraines need to keep medications handy. Some of the common medicines used by adults for migraine attacks are UBRELVY™, Excedrin, Nurtec® ODT, and QULIPTA™. They block pathways in the brain that are responsible for migraine attacks. A doctor might also recommend preventive medicines if one experiences frequent and severe headaches that don’t respond well to treatment. These medications might reduce how often one gets an attack and reduce its severity. Foods to eat Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are high in antioxidants and fat and are great for keeping overall health in check. Magnesium-rich foods like avocados, apricots, almonds, cashews, and brown rice help the blood vessels relax and prevent headaches. Other items that help prevent headaches include leafy greens, dairy, and calcium-rich foods. Those who experience frequent migraine attacks are also often recommended to reduce the intake of high-sodium foods. Lifestyle choices Having a healthy sleep cycle is very rewarding. It’s good for one’s physical and mental health. Getting quality sleep every night can significantly reduce the frequency of migraine attacks. Migraines usually occur when the body doesn’t get enough rest and is stressed. Hydration and cold compress It’s essential to be hydrated at all times to help reduce the frequency of migraines. The body requires a certain amount of electrolytes and fluids to work its best. When one doesn’t replace these fluids and electrolytes, it causes dehydration, triggering migraine.
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